Child and Adolescent Intake Form


Division of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry

555 Belaire Ave #2013
Suite 210
Chesapeake VA 23320
United States

Phone: (757)239-5090
Fax: (757) 239-5411

Welcome and thank you for choosing Thrive Provider!

Dear Parent/Guardian, the information you provide here will help your provider in identifying your child’s needs and how to best serve your family.

Please be prepared to arrive 30 minutes early to complete clinic paperwork upon

If you cannot keep this appointment, please call to cancel as soon as possible. If you fail to do so, you may not be allowed to reschedule your appointment.
Please complete the attached assessment forms prior to your appointment.

Please bring your completed paperwork, updated insurance information and any current medications in their original bottle to your appointment.

The Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Clinic is located at 8491 NW 39th Ave. If you have any questions or need to reschedule, please call (352) 265-4357 Thank you for choosing UF Health for your healthcare needs and we look forward
to serving you!



    Who lives in the same household as the child?




    Relationship to Child

    Please check all of the following symptoms that apply to your child:

    Traumatic experiences: Has your child ever been exposed to actual or threatened death, serious injury, or sexual violence?

    If yes, does he/she have any of the following symptoms related to the traumatic event?

    Has your child ever seen a psychiatrist or therapist/counselor before?

    Name of Provider

    Dates Seen


    Has your child ever been admitted to a psychiatric hospital?

    Name of the hospital



    Has your child ever attempted suicide?

    If yes, please describe:

    Does your child engage in any self-harm behaviors (like cutting)?

    If yes, please describe:

    Has your child ever been violent or aggressive?

    If yes, please describe:


    Please list any known psychiatric illnesses in blood relatives of the child:

    Psychiatric illness

    Child’s Mother

    Child’s Father

    Child’s Siblings

    Mother’s side of the family

    Father’s side of the family



    Bipolar disorder




    Intellectual disability or learning problems


    Eating disorder

    Alcohol problems

    Drug problems


    Does the child have any blood relatives with heart defects or arrhythmias?

    Does the child have any blood relatives who died suddenly at a young age?


    Does the child use:



    Does your child have any history of the following medical conditions?
    (*Check all that apply*)

    Allergies (if applicable):

    Any other serious illness or disease?

    Has your child ever had surgery?

    If yes, describe and give dates:

    Has your child ever had any serious injuries?

    If yes, describe and give dates:

    For Biological Females Only:

    Has your child started menstruation?

    If yes, at what age?

    Are periods regular?

    Date of last menstrual cycle:

    Is there any change in symptom severity with periods?

    If yes, please describe:


    Please list all medications your child is currently taking:

    Name of medication

    Dose of medication

    Who prescribes it?


    Please select any medications your child has taken in the past:
    (*Check all that apply*)



    Does your child have any allergies?

    Please list any allergies the child has:


    Name of child’s current school:

    Current grade:

    Did the child repeat any grades?

    Does the child have a 504 plan or IEP?

    Is the child in ESE or special needs classes?

    Has the child ever been suspended or expelled?

    If yes, explain:

    Does the child get bullied by peers?

    If yes, explain:

    Has the child ever been the victim of abuse?

    If yes, explain:

    Has the child been arrested?

    If yes, explain:

    Are there any weapons or guns in your home?

    If so, does your child have access to them?


    What was the length of the pregnancy?

    Were any medications or substances used during pregnancy?

    If yes, what?

    Any other complications of pregnancy or delivery?

    If yes, explain:

    How much did the baby weigh at birth?

    Did the baby start breathing right away?

    Were there any problems with the baby after he/she was born?

    If yes, explain:

    When the baby came home, were there any problems?

    If yes, explain:

    When did the baby really smile (not “gas”)?

    When was the baby able to sit by him/herself (without help)?

    When did the baby walk by him/herself (without holding on)?

    When did the baby say his/her first word?

    When did the baby say short sentences (such as “go bye bye”)?

    Did the child have trouble learning to speak?

    Was he/she different from brother or sister or other children?

    If yes, explain:

    Is the child toilet trained?

    If yes, how old when trained?

    How old was the child when he/she was able to:
    – Ride a tricycle:
    – Ride a bicycle without training wheels:
    – Get dressed by him/herself:
    – Tie shoelaces:

    What hand does the child prefer to use?

    At what age did you notice this?

    Did anything else significant occur during the child’s development years?


    Did the child ever have IQ or achievement testing?

    If yes, explain:

    Has the child been tested for hearing abnormalities?

    If yes, explain:

    Has the child been tested for speech/language abnormalities?

    If yes, explain:

    Has the child ever received occupational or physical therapy?

    If yes, explain:


    Has the child experienced any of the difficulties below? Please select all that apply:


    Acknowledgements & Authorizations


    Risks and Side Effects of Stimulants (Attention Deficit Medications)

    While most patients can safely use stimulant medications for attention deficit problems with appropriate follow-up, the following are known risks and side effects associated with these drugs. This list is not exhaustive but provides an overview of cautions to consider when consenting to treatment.

    1. Heart and Circulation Problems: These medications can cause rapid heart rate, elevated blood pressure (sometimes severe), heart attack, long-term heart damage, stroke, and sudden death. The more severe consequences are most likely when the medications are not used as directed. Close monitoring is necessary, especially when starting these medications.

    2. Seizures: Convulsions may occur while using these medications.

    3. Behavioral Changes: These medications may lead to anxiety, agitation, mood swings, aggressive behavior, mania, or psychotic behavior, especially if not used as directed.

    4. Depression: Depression may occur, particularly with misuse and abrupt withdrawal. Notify your doctor if you begin feeling depressed, very sad, hopeless, or suicidal.

    5. Tourette Syndrome: A disorder characterized by tics (involuntary movements or vocalizations) that may develop or worsen while on these medications.

    6. Allergic Reactions: Like any medication, stimulants can cause allergic reactions, typically within the first few days of use, but sometimes later. Rarely, these medications may lead to life-threatening rashes. Contact your doctor if you experience a rash, swelling, or difficulty breathing.

    7. Growth Suppression/Weight Loss: Some children on these medications may experience a slowing in their growth rate; however, it is believed that most will reach their full height eventually. Weight loss can also occur.

    8. Gastrointestinal Effects: Patients may experience nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, dry mouth, abdominal pain, heartburn, and decreased appetite while on these medications.

    9. Insomnia: Difficulty sleeping may occur while using these medications.

    10. Dependence: Prolonged use may lead to withdrawal symptoms if the medications are abruptly stopped. Symptoms can include many of the behavioral side effects mentioned above, with depression potentially being severe. This issue is more common following misuse or excessive use.

    11. Drug Interactions: Avoid alcohol and street drugs such as marijuana, cocaine, speed, or ecstasy, as these can lead to fatal reactions. Additionally, notify your healthcare provider of any new medications prescribed by other healthcare providers.

    Risks and Side Effects of Sedative/Tranquilizer Medications

    The following are known risks and side effects of sedative/tranquilizer medications. This list is not exhaustive but provides an overview of cautions to consider when consenting to treatment with such drugs.

    1. Nausea, Vomiting, and Diarrhea: These effects are generally mild and may improve after the first few days of use.

    2. Constipation: This is usually mild and manageable with increased fiber and fluid intake. Notify your doctor if you haven’t had a bowel movement in at least four days.

    3. Sedation and Confusion: Patients may experience slowed reflexes, difficulty thinking, an increased risk of falls, fainting, memory problems, and trouble staying awake. These symptoms often improve as the patient adjusts to the medication. Patients should refrain from driving, operating machinery, or engaging in dangerous activities for at least the first week of treatment or after any change in dosage or medication. Caution is advised even after this period.

    4. Agitation and Manic Behavior: Some patients may develop agitation or manic episodes while on these medications.

    5. Seizures: Convulsions may also occur with sedative medications.

    6. Allergic Reactions: Similar to stimulants, sedative medications can cause allergic reactions, usually within the first days of use but sometimes later. Notify your doctor if you experience a rash, swelling, or difficulty breathing.

    7. Headaches: Patients may experience headaches or worsening of pre-existing headaches while on these medications.

    8. Dependence: Prolonged use may lead to withdrawal symptoms if the medications are abruptly discontinued. Symptoms can include rapid heart rate, irritability, anxiety, agitation, confusion, memory problems, hallucinations, psychosis, seizures, insomnia, tremors, muscle twitching, cramps, stomach discomfort, and sweating. Some withdrawal symptoms can be life-threatening, so it’s important to monitor your medication supply to avoid running out abruptly.

    9. Addiction: A craving or psychological desire for these medications may develop with prolonged use.

    Note: Always consult your healthcare provider with any concerns about medication use, side effects, or potential interactions with other drugs.


    I do hereby consent and authorize Thrive Mental Health Services to release all information contained in my financial and medical records, including diagnoses and test results, to my insurance company or health plan, their agents and independent contractors, or any other person or entity that is responsible for paying or processing for payment any portion of my bill, for the purposes of administration, billing and quality and risk management. This consent applies to all records created in the course of and relating to my treatment and for the purpose of reimbursement for treatment.

    I understand that I may revoke this consent at any time by giving written notice to the Thrive Psychiatry and Wellness except to the extent that action has been taken in reliance thereon. If no prior notice of revocation is received, this consent will expire six (6) months after the date of patient discharge from treatment, unless another date or condition is specified.

    I understand that if I refuse to consent to this Release of Information, the consequences will be that the insurance claim will not be filed.


    I hereby certify that I have sought evaluation, treatment, or medical advice from the staff at the clinic named above. Therefore, I authorize the medical staff and personnel to release my or my minor child’s medical information to the insurance company listed above for the purpose of determining and receiving benefits for medical bills.

    I understand that the medical staff will submit my claim to the insurance company on my behalf. I further acknowledge that I am responsible for any medical bills not covered by my insurance policy, including any deductibles, fees, co-payments, and co-insurance required.

    I recognize that any portion of my medical bills not covered by insurance will be billed to me at the address I have provided above. Failure to comply with payment obligations may result in denial of services and/or legal action for non-payment.

    We participate in many insurance plans. If you are not insured by a company with which Thrive Mental Health Services does business, or if you do not have an up-to-date insurance card, payment in full is expected at each visit. When you provide Thrive Mental Health Services with current and complete information, Thrive Mental Health Services will bill your primary insurance. Please note that Thrive Mental Health verifies your benefits as a courtesy; this is not a guarantee of payment. We recommend that you confirm your coverage and network status with your insurance company. If your insurance does not pay, you will be responsible for the charges. If you have any questions about your coverage, please do not hesitate to contact your insurance company.


    ***I acknowledge receipt of the Notice of Privacy Practices, which explains my rights and the limits on ways my provider may use or disclose personal health information to provide service.


    The decision to use benzodiazepine medications was made between my provider and myself because of my specific condition.

    When I sign this form, I acknowledge that I understand and agree to the following conditions to make my treatment as safe and successful as possible:

    1.) I am aware that the use of such medicine has certain risks associated with it, and I have reviewed the Benzodiazepine medication handout with my provider.

    2.) I agree to help myself by following better health habits: exercising, controlling my weight, seeking long-term treatments for anxiety, and avoiding the use of alcohol and tobacco, because I realize that good health habits help me control my anxiety and depression.

    3.) I agree to tell my doctor about all other medicines and treatments that I am receiving. I will not request or accept controlled substances/medications from any other physician or individual without talking about it with my provider while I am receiving a benzodiazepine medication. To do so may endanger my health and our provider-client relationship. The only exception is medication prescribed while I am admitted to a hospital.

    4.) I understand the following refill policy will apply, unless I have made previous arrangements with my provider:

    • a. Medications will not be refilled early, even if they have been lost, stolen, or destroyed.

    • b. Medications will not be refilled on Fridays, weekends, or holidays.

    • c. Medications will not be refilled by other physicians or providers.

    5.) I agree to use only one pharmacy for all my medications. If I change pharmacies for any reason, I agree to notify my provider at the time I receive a prescription and inform my new pharmacy of my prior pharmacy’s address and telephone number.

    6.) I agree to keep all scheduled appointments.

    7.) I must keep my provider fully informed of any changes, ER or PES visits, lost or stolen medications, or any other circumstances affecting my health and well-being.

    8.) I have been fully informed by my provider regarding the potential psychological dependence on a controlled substance. I know that some persons may develop a tolerance, which is the need to increase the dose of the medication to achieve the desired effect. I know that I may become physically dependent on the medication. This will occur if I am on the medication for several weeks; when I stop the medication, I must do so slowly and under medical supervision or I may have withdrawal symptoms.

    9.) I understand that if I fail to comply with the guidelines in this agreement and on my prescription labels; if I obtain controlled substances elsewhere (even from a physician); if I use illicit drugs; if I share controlled substances with others; or if I alter a prescription, our provider-client relationship will be terminated.

    Here at Thrive MHS, providers do not prescribe benzodiazepines for long-term use.

    I have read and understand the consequences of violating this agreement. My provider has answered my questions and I agree to the terms of the agreement.


    The purpose of this agreement is to protect your access to controlled substances and to ensure our ability to prescribe them to you. Due to the potential for tolerance, dependence, and side effects, you will need to sign an informed consent when the use of controlled substances is expected to be ongoing. These medications have a high potential for abuse or diversion, which means the prescribing of such medicines is tightly regulated, and we are strictly accountable for our prescribing policies.

    A controlled substance is a drug or other substance that the government tightly regulates because it may be abused or cause addiction. This control applies to how the substance is manufactured, used, handled, stored, and distributed. Controlled substances include opioids, stimulants, depressants, hallucinogens, and anabolic steroids.


    1. Prescription Management: Medications will be prescribed by Thrive Mental Health Services providers or a covering provider at the practice. Refills for controlled substances will only be issued during appointments.

    2. Outside Prescriptions: You will not accept a prescription for a controlled substance from any provider outside of Thrive Mental Health Services, with limited exceptions. If you do accept a prescription, you must notify our office immediately.

    3. Pharmacy Selection: You must use only one pharmacy for filling prescriptions. If you need to change pharmacies, you must notify our office.

    4. Prescription Security: Prescriptions must be filled at your designated pharmacy, and lost, stolen, or damaged prescriptions will not be replaced.

    Medications must not be shared, sold, or used by anyone else and should be taken exactly as prescribed. Mixing these medications with alcohol, non-prescribed sedatives, or illegal drugs is prohibited.

    Your provider may request unannounced urine or blood tests. Any evidence of unauthorized drug use, misuse of prescribed medication, or falsified results will be considered a violation of this agreement.

    If necessary, your provider may refer you to another specialist. Failure to follow through with referrals will be considered a breach of this agreement.



    I understand that I am eligible to receive a range of services from my provider. The type and extent of these services will be determined after an initial assessment and thorough discussion. The purpose of the assessment is to identify the best course of treatment for me. Generally, treatment is comprehensive, progressive, and requires ongoing assessment and evaluation. My signature below authorizes my mental health provider to treat me. This treatment may include medications, lab tests, diagnostic tests, and educational support. I understand that my provider is available to explain the treatment options, and I have the right to refuse treatment.

    I CONSENT to the services rendered by Thrive Mental Health Services, which may include evaluations, consultations, diagnostic testing, clinical therapies, and medication management, if appropriate.

    I acknowledge that the success of treatment varies among patients. Providers may determine that certain treatments are likely to help, but there are no guarantees.

    Providers may prescribe medications. Not all patients are suitable candidates, and success is not guaranteed. Medications can have side effects, which I will discuss with my provider and pharmacist.

    I understand that medication treatment can affect my brain, body, emotions, actions, sleep, memory, judgment, coordination, stamina, and sexuality. Many medications require strict adherence to dosage and frequency.

    If I experience unexpected problems, I will inform my provider. In emergencies, I will call 911 or go to an emergency room.

    I have had the opportunity to ask questions and have provided my consent voluntarily.


    Confidentiality is maintained except in the following cases:

    • Risk of imminent danger to myself or another person.

    • Suspicion of abuse of a child or elder.

    • A valid court order requiring medical records.

    I understand that behavioral health treatment is not an exact science and that no guarantees have been made regarding treatment outcomes.

    SMS/Text, Mail, and Voice Messaging

    I consent to receive SMS messages related to my treatment, including appointment reminders.


    I acknowledge receipt of the Notice of Privacy Practices, which explains my rights and how my provider may use or disclose personal health information.


    At Thrive Mental Health Services, we are committed to supporting you on your journey toward stability, mental wellness, and happiness. We believe that our partnership with you is vital in achieving these goals. To make this process easier, we’ll ensure that you can schedule your follow-up appointment before leaving your current visit. If there’s ever a need to change or cancel your appointment, we promise to maintain your medication coverage until your next visit. Our providers will prescribe enough medications to last you until your upcoming appointment, removing the hassle of having to call in for refills.

    We understand the complexities that sometimes come with insurance processes, and we will work diligently with your medical insurance providers to ensure that you never go without your medication due to paperwork delays or requirements such as prior authorizations or medical necessity forms.

    While we do not offer medication refills outside of scheduled appointments, we understand that life can throw unexpected challenges your way. If you find yourself in a situation where you need medication outside of your appointment time, we are here to help! Please note that a nominal fee of $15 will apply for prescriptions filled outside your scheduled visits, and this amount is due at the time of your request. Additionally, to ensure we can assist you effectively, medication refill requests that occur outside of appointments will require 48 business hours to process.

    Our primary aim is to anticipate your needs proactively, ensuring you have sufficient medication until your follow-up visit. This approach is designed to save you time from unnecessary login attempts on the Patient Portal for refill requests. However, should you ever need to reach out for a refill or schedule an appointment, our online patient portal is always available to assist you.


    As part of our partnership, I agree to uphold the following responsibilities regarding my medications:

    • I take personal responsibility for managing my medicines.

    • I understand that sharing, selling, or trading my medication is not permitted.

    • I will never take someone else’s medication.

    • I will only adjust my medication dosage after consulting with my provider or office associate.

    • I acknowledge that lost or stolen medications will not be replaced if used up sooner than prescribed.

    • I will attend all scheduled appointments and arrive on time. I recognize that arriving more than 5 minutes late will be considered a no-show.

    • If requested, I agree to provide a blood, urine, or buccal swab sample for drug testing purposes.

    I confirm that I fully understand the office’s medication policy.


    Please read and initial the following statements concerning our office policies:

    I certify that the information I have given on this form is true and correct to the best of my knowledge.

    I understand that if I arrive more than 10 minutes late for an appointment, it is not guaranteed that I will be seen. A $75.00 no-show fee will be charged if the schedule does not allow for me to be seen.

    I understand that payment is required at the time services are rendered and I assume responsibility for this. I understand there is a $30.00 fee for all returned checks.

    I understand that insurance will only be filed with insurance companies that Thrive Mental Health is contracted with. I must have all current insurance information on file. I understand that secondary insurance will not be filed.

    I understand that if there are any changes in my insurance coverage, I will notify the business office at least five (5) days prior to my next appointment or the visit will be self-pay or rescheduled.

    I understand that all information obtained regarding my insurance is not a guarantee of payment by my insurance company. I am ultimately responsible for any and all balances on my account.

    I understand it is my responsibility to keep my appointments. If I cannot keep my appointment, I will notify the office at least 24 hours in advance. I understand that I will be charged $75.00 for the time reserved if I do not call and cancel or reschedule at least 24 hours prior.

    I understand that regular office hours for Thrive Mental Health Services are Monday – Thursday, 9 AM – 5 PM.

    I understand it is my responsibility to track my medication supply. Requests received outside regular business hours will not be processed until the next business day. A 2-business-day notice is required for prescription refills.

    I understand that my records are protected by special laws governing psychiatric/substance abuse records and that I must sign a ‘Release of Information’ form before any records can be released.

    I understand that providers do not appear in court to defend patients/clients. If a subpoena is issued, I am responsible for paying $1,500.00 for a half-day or $3,000.00 for a full day in court, collected in advance.

    I understand that providers do not perform mental evaluations for court cases.

    I understand the requirement for scanning/making a copy of my ID and insurance card for medication dispensation, billing, and identification purposes.

    I understand that Thrive Mental Health Services has the right to terminate patients who are non-compliant with office policies, including multiple no-shows without notice, frequent tardiness, and losing or discarding medications.

    I understand that there is no after-hours answering service. In case of an emergency, I must call 911 or go to the nearest Emergency Room.


    I hereby authorize Thrive Mental Health Services to provide psychiatric services to:


    – Initial Evaluation: $300

    – Follow-up Appointment: $150

    – Medical Paperwork (FMLA, DMV Forms, ESA Letters, and other requests): $50

    Note: Thrive Mental Health Services does not complete disability forms. However, with informed consent, we will assist in releasing your medical records for review.


    This Notice outlines how your medical information may be used and shared, and how you can access it. Please read it carefully.

    How Your Provider May Use and Disclose Your Health Information:

    • For Treatment: Your PHI may be shared with those providing your care to coordinate treatment. Authorization is required for disclosure to other consultants.

    • For Payment: Your PHI may be used to obtain payment for services, including processing insurance claims.

    • For Health Care Operations: Your PHI may be used for business activities such as quality assessments.

    • Required by Law: Your PHI will be disclosed as mandated by government agencies or court orders.

    • Without Authorization: Limited disclosures may occur without your consent for legal requirements or safety threats.

    • With Authorization: Any other uses or disclosures require your written consent, which you may revoke.

    Your Rights Regarding Your PHI:

    • Right to Access and Copy: You can inspect and copy your PHI unless access could cause you harm.

    • Right to Amend: You can request corrections to inaccurate or incomplete PHI.

    • Right to an Accounting of Disclosures: You can request a list of certain disclosures of your PHI.


    If you believe your privacy rights have been violated, you may submit a complaint with the Federal Government:

    Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

    200 Independence Avenue, SW

    Washington, DC 20201

    (202) 619-0257

    Acknowledgment of Receipt of Notice of Privacy Practices

    I acknowledge receipt of the Notice of Privacy Practices, which explains my rights and the limits on ways my provider may use or disclose personal health information to provide service.

    By signing below, I acknowledge my understanding of the information provided, and I am aware that I can access a copy of my consent forms anytime through my patient portal or request one from the office staff. Thank you for being an important part of our Thrive community; we look forward to supporting you!

    I agree to receive text messages from Thrive Mental Health Services and understand that message frequency varies. Message and data rates may apply. I understand that I may opt out at any time by replying “STOP” to stop receiving messages or reply “HELP” for assistance. I acknowledge that consent is not required to purchase goods or services.

    I agree to the Privacy Policy and Terms & Conditions